Guard Noah Shame

What is your full name?

Noah Shame

Date you joined the order?

February 2006

What is your lay occupation?

Associate Credit Manager for a wholesale builders’ supply company

Date of birth?

Dec, 16 – Sagittarius all the way, baby.

Home town?

Born, raised, and lived the first 32 years of my life in and around KCMO

When did you discover your calling?

My calling chose me; I was shown the way to fulfill it in December 2005 Big Sister/Mother in the order. Sister Anna Rexia was my big Sister. I’ll always consider my beloved Sister Ghana Maria to be my Momma.

Why did you join?

To be a part of something larger than myself, to join trusted friends in being a force of good, utilizing my rampant energies constructively to champion the power and strength of the individual.

Religious beliefs (if any)?

I believe in me.

Major projects with the Order?

I made a vessel to contain important and sacred items to the Order that I named “Noah’s Ark.” I’ve also used my deep resonating ‘daddy voice’ to make Bingo calling a lot more interesting.

Goals and aspirations?

Promulgating omniversal joy and expiating stigmatic guilt.

Rules by which I believe

There is balance in all things. Focusing my energies on being the best person I can be. Being a catalyst for joy and laughter. Celebrating the most important things in my life: my friends.

Leadership Roles & Committee Involvement

While I do not have a specified role or assignment within the Order at this time, I do use my energies to assist Sisters that do.

Other People’s Words That I Find Instructive

Every person I talk to has something instructive to say.


“Don’t make someone your priority while you remain their option.”

“Don’t be reckless with another’s heart. Don’t allow another to be reckless with yours.”

“The situation is what it is. Build your bridge and get over it.”

“Live your life through your own eyes. Don’t allow the words or actions of others, advertising, fads, dogma, gossip, or false loyalties make you feel bad about yourself. Celebrate the incredible beauty that you are.”

“Someone that has plenty of gossip for you will also have plenty of gossip about you.”

“Change is made one person at a time.”

“Love without hesitation, without reservation. Starting with yourself.”